The Cornell Mixer starts in 24 hours on Sun, Feb 21, 8am-midnight PT

- Please use Zoom version 5.4 or above, you can download at

Agenda (Sun, Feb 21, PT)
- Pre-Party (8am-11pm PT): Hop around themed breakout rooms
- Main Event (11am-noon PT): Small breakout rooms led by moderators
- After-Party (noon-midnight PT): A stream of mini, rapid breakout rooms

Come anytime, for a few minutes, or a few hours

Pre-Party Suites
- 8am-11am PT: General Conversations, Crossword, NYC, Knitting, Hotelies, and more
- 9am-11am PT: Class '74, Asian Alumni, Women's Network, CAAAN
- 10am-11am PT: Class '63, '65, '80, '87, '88, '96, Northern NJ, S Florida, Johnson School