VIRTUAL MIXER WITH CORNELL CLUBS FROM AROUND THE WORLD (DC, Seattle, Toronto, Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing + more!)
Bring your beverage of choice, and make friends with Cornellians from all around the world!
Mingle in small discussion groups centered around Cornell-related themes. Share your favorite spots in Collegetown, reminisce on the festivities of Spring/Slope Day, and learn how Cornell has changed over the decades.
We will use Zoom video chat and split everyone into small breakout rooms, so everyone has a chance to talk and share with just a few people. We will rotate everyone around, so you will meet many Cornellians throughout the mixer.
The event registration has Cornellians from all different parts of the world, currently including: DC, Seattle, Toronto, Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing + more!
Zoom link details will be provided in the registration confirmation email.
DATE: Saturday, July 25, 2020
Zoom Meeting Link
- To join, click on
- If you're joining another way, the meeting id is 914 430 9122 and the password is GoBigRed
COST: Free
RSVP: Registration link: